Lord Krishna..
Love...this word evokes a myriad of reactions, my lord, in the heart .. a lot many people have been hurt in love, my lord.. We human beings.. not being complete in ourselves look for fulfillment and love from fellow human beings.. everybody wants 'love' from each other but no one has 'any' to give..The result is broken promises, unmet expectations and heartbreak.. for many of us the word 'love' evokes such painful memories and buried resentments that we just want to lock up our hearts and throw the keys in the dustbin.. Painful memories of rejection and heartbreak in love may cause one to stiffen up like a rock, proclaiming love to be a 'weakness' and branding all feelings as 'sentimentality'. Nothing is more tragic than just retreating in your shell and erecting walls to prevent getting hurt in love again...
Its only when we recognize the true reservoir of love.. our lord.. that made us.. that is our master, friend, father, son, lover.. everything.. that we can have rid ourselves of the dilemma to 'love' or 'not love'.. O dear Lord, you are love.. you are bliss.. and whoever associates with you basks in that transcendental aura of yours..Bless us lord.. that we love you more and more each day.. n that we may never forget you even for a single second..
Your humble maidservant, always..
Love is not a 'lie' and neither it is a 'weakness of the heart'.. Its true courage.. its wings that take you to places you have never seen.. sounds you have never heard.. the nectar you have never tasted.. But then what goes wrong..? Why does every 'fairy tale romance' has an end..? Why can't there be a 'happily ever after' in real life..?
My Lord Krishna, here you come in the picture.. You are the very essence of love.. an infinite ocean of love and we beings are eternally separated drops of that ocean.. Our very purpose is to love you our Lord.. Being in your remembrance each moment, we are filled with your transcendental love..it just overflows from our heart and transfers to every person we come in touch with.. loving you our lord, makes us capable of loving others.. the true love that wants the best of every being..that recognizes the actual needs of the person..Because your love is so blissful, my lord.. we no-longer 'hanker' for love from fellow beings.. we become self satisfied.. conflicts reduce with our loved ones..heartbreaks vanish.. Its only because we look for love in material relationships that we remain frustrated and resentful forever.. we feed off our loved ones and they feed off us, leaving everybody exhausted and drained in the end..
Your humble maidservant, always..
*Male and female are the designations of the temporary material body.. According to Vedic literature, all souls are considered to be 'feminine' and the Lord is the lone 'man'. The soul's purpose is to love the lord eternally..For more details please read our spiritual master Prabhupada's translation of the Vedic Literature*
Jai Prabhupada!
Jai Shri Krishna!
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